Homeful Research

Homeful Research

The Homeful research was undertaken over the course of 2022, with generous housing industry research grant to allow a research assistant to be recruited for the period.   

The purpose of the Homeful research was to work in co-production with housing professionals, homelessness charity leaders, social housing tenants and people with experience of homelessness, to explore housing-led approaches to resolving and preventing homelessness.  During 2022 housing associations, local authorities, charities and tenant organisations spoke with us, or answered survey questions, or hosted a Homeful workshop in their organisation so that we could better understand how people viewed their meaning of home and the challenges they saw in tackling homelessness.  

All of the data was analysed in the early Autumn 2022 and brought together in a report published by CIH available here and available on their webpage www.cih.org/homeful


Photovoice exhibition at CIH Manchester, June 202

Additionally, there was a linked creative project funded by De Montfort University, to amplify the voices of women with lived experience of homelessness in Leicester, this was a collaboration with InHerStrength. The published monologues are available here: https://www.inherstrength.co.uk/in-her-stories/ 

There was a final ‘scratch production’ which was performed at the Y theatre in Leicester in July 2022

A key element of the methodological approach to the Homeful project was ‘co-production’, working with organisations and people with lived experiences.  Our workshop toolkits were made available, throughout the project, for organisations to use.  These toolkits can be found here:


Background research was undertaken prior to the start of the project, and a launch report can be found here